John Garstkamp

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John Garstkamp was born in Germany. He married Christine Glade. They had four children: Louisa, Eva Marie, Charles, and Carolline.


Birth certificate of Caroline C. Garstkamp.
1870 New Orleans census showing John Garstkamp with his wife Christina and dauther Louisa. Also on this page in another household are Caroline Glade with her children William Glade and Frederick Glade. Caroline is likely Christina's mother, since we know from other documents that Christina is a Glade.
Table 1. Information for John Garstkamp and Christina Glade's children, pasted from "GA through GD - Alphabetical Birth Indexes for Orleans Parish 1796 - 1900,"
Last Name Child Father Mother Sex Color Date of Birth Col Page
Garstkamp Louisa John Christina Glade F - 03/31/1870 58.5 1124
Garstkamp Eva Marie John Christina Glade F W 03/25/1874 70 133
Garstkamp Charles E. John Christina Glade M W 11/05/1876 70 133
Garstkampe Caroline John Christina Glade F - 01/26/1872 61 78