Society of Sisters Waveland Ward

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The "Society of Sisters" Waveland Ward is a booklet created in 1992 by the sisters of the Waveland Ward Relief Society. In it are various items documenting the history of the ward Relief Society and of the Bayou La Croix branch Relief Society, which preceded the Waveland Ward.

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Page 1

Page 1 shows a photo of George Henry Wainwright, a key figure in the early days of the Bayou La Croix branch.

Page 2

Page 2 shows photos of the first chapel in Edwardsville around 1920.

Page 3

Page 3 contains minutes of a Relief Society meeting.

Tues. Oct. 27 -- 1936
Bay St. Louis
Minutes of the Relief Socity
Called to order at 2:00 pm.
Presiding Sis. Ellen E. Ladner
Conducting Ellen E. Ladner
Commencing by singing no. 152 Let us all Press on
Prayer by Sis. Edwina Farve
Singing practice no. 226 That Beautiful Land. & no. 194 Sweet Sabbath Day
Roll -- 4 members 2 visitors present
Minutes read & approved
Lesson - The Prevention of Crime
Closing song 233 Lord Dismiss us.
Ben. Sis. Edwina Farve
Ben. Bro. Geo H. Wainwright

Page 4

Page 4 contains minutes of another Relief Society meeting.

Tues. Oct. 20 -- 1936

Minutes of the Bay St. Louis Relief Society called to order at 2:00 pm
Presiding Sis. Ellen E. Ladner
Conducting Sis. Ellen E. Ladner
Commending by singing no 218 Count Your Blessings
Prayer by Sis Katie M. Rutherford
Singing Practice no 16 Come Come Ye Saints
Roll called 3 members 2 visitors present
Minutes read and approved
Lesson taught, literature - Live of Alise Freeman Palmer
Closing song no 97
Ben - by Sis. Lillian Sones

Written by Sis. Ellen E. Ladner

Page 5

Page 5 is a note about clothing donations.

The following articles as named were sent from Bay St. Louis Relief Society Branch Miss. District to Columbia, Miss. to be placed in the Bazaar given there to celebrate the 96th birthday of Relief Society the only auxiliary organization organized by the Prophet Joseph Smith March 17, 1842.
Hand made pieces donated and each made accordingly.
Sister Ellen E. Ladner apron 39¢ Lillian Ladner pair pillow cases 79¢, Laura A. Ladner small girl's dress, 49¢. Katie M. Osbourn dresser scarf .45

Page 6

Page 6 is a list.

Emergency Baby Layette

11 Diapers
2 Pr Socks
2 night gowns
2 slips
6 dresses 7
3 Blankets
2 Pads
4 Wash clothes
5 undershirts
3 bibs
2 jackets
1 band

Page 7

Page 7 is a church form.


Date June 10, 194 [illegible, but assumed to be 1945]

Bayou La Croix Branch, Southern States Mission

This list is to be compiled in by the ward Relief Society president. Once copy is to be retained in the ward and placed in the Ward Record Book at the end of the water history as part of the history for 1945. Two copies are to be sent to the stake Relief Society president. The stake Relief Society president will keep one of the two lists, placing it in the Stake Record Book at the end of the stake history as part of the history for 1945. The third list is to be sent at once to the General Board of Relief Society, 28 Bishop's Building, Salt Lake City 1, Utah.

KIND (Quilt or Blanket) List each article separately BLANKET COST QUILTS Indicate whether article raid paid for by Relief Society, bishop or Church Welfare
Kind of Bat -- (All wool, part wool, or cotton) Cost of Bat Estimated cost of material, thread, etc. Estimated cost of sewing service
Material top or lining Quilt Cotton 71¢ $2.60 Service by Relief
(?) top & dyed sock lining Quilt Cotton 71' 50 donated Society
(?) top & lining Quilt Cotton 71' 1.50 " "
(?) Sock top & lining Quilt Cotton 71' 1.00 " "

Signature of Relief Society Ward President: Ellen E. Ladner

Page 8

Page 8 is a report.

BRANCH RELIEF SOCIETY MONTHLY REPORT to be mailed by the 2nd of each month


  1. Number of women enrolled....6
  2. Number of meetings held....4
  3. Average attendance....3
  4. Investigators present at weekly meetings (total)...._____
  5. Number of new members admitted during the month...._____
  6. Number of executive meetings held during month...._____
  7. Number of prayer meetings held during month...._____
  8. Cash evaluation of merchandise on hand....21.50
  9. Average No. of Relief Society women attending sacrament mtgs...._____
  10. Number of Relief Society Teachers...._____
  11. Number of visits made by Relief Society Teachers....._____
  12. Red Cross Work: Hours spent_____ No. of Women...._____
  13. Number of visits by District Supervisors...._____
  14. Number of magazine subscriptions...._____

Bal. on hand beginning of Mo._____
Funds received during month _____
Funds disbursed during month _____
Bal. on hand at end of month _____

Bal. on hand beginning of Mo. 146
Funds received during month 80
Funds disbursed during mont 20
Bal. on hand at end of month 206

Bal. on hand beginning of Mo._____
Funds received during month _____
Funds disbursed during month _____
Bal. on hand at end of month _____

1st copy -- District Secretary
2nd copy -- Retain in Relief Society
3rd copy -- Branch President


Branch Relief Society President


Lillian Sones Branch Secretary of Relief Society

Bay St. Louis, Miss. Address


Page 9

Page 9 is a certificate.

Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Certificate of Achievement Issued by the General Board of Relief Socity to Bayou La Croix Branch for contributing its quota toward the erection of the Relief Society Building

Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah June 28, 1948

Belle S. Spafford Marianne C. Sharp Delma N. Simonsen General Presidency

Page 10

Page 10 is a list.


Bayou La Croix Branch, Southern States Mission

In deciding in what category to place the articles, list baby things up to 2-year olds; children's from 2-18 years; men's and women's from 18 years on.

FOR MEN 1 Suits 1 Underwear (not garments)

FOR WOMEN 3 Dresses (no formal ones) 1 Nightgowns (Pajamas) 1 Shoes (no evening slippers) 1 Suits

FOR CHILDREN 1 Blouses 2 Coats 10 Dresses 1 Overalls (Levis) 2 Shirts (boys') 1 Shoes 5 Skirts 1 Suits 1 Sweaters

Signature of Relief Society President....Ellen E. Ladner

Page 11

Page 11 is a letter.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Office of the Southern States Mission 485 North Avenue, N.E. Atlanta, GA

Albert Choules, Mission President Phone at. 4221

March 3, 1950


Dear Sisters:

We have a little over two month left of our outlined work for the year 1949-50. This has been a wonderful year so far. You have accomplished much and if you continue on with the same co-operative attitude and have a desire to grow and progress in your organizations, there is no doubt but what at the end of the year you will look back and feel that you have gained a great deal from all that has taken place.

By way of suggestion, I would like to enumerate some of the accomplishments of some of the Branches, and if they are workable in your Branch it would be a good thing to use them.

Self-improvement talks, which were assigned one or two weeks in advance.

Study of grammar and public speaking, to help the sisters express themselves better when on their feet in public.

Home renovating. Cleaning thoroughly their homes and painting where needed.

Home-making. Making their homes more beautiful for their families and friends.

Serving banquets and luncheons for different organizations at Union Meetings & Conferences.

Rummage sales; selling Christmas cards and Gift wrappings, and having Bazaars.

One Branch did something out of the ordinairy. The Presidency gave 16 sisters $1.00 each and asked them to use it in any legitimate manner to increase the amount, and then return it with the increase in three months. They did this and the increase was $42.40.

Several Branches put on plays and sponsored Branch Parties.

A Fashion show, displaying the sewing of the sisters during the year, is a fine goal to work towards. Use live models to display them where possible, and have a fine social evening.

I would like to express my appreciation for your co-operation in the past, especially your kind response to the quilt drive, sending in your Annual Reports, etc. We shipped 189 quilts to Salt Lake, which made us very happy. I hope you are making use of the Hand Book. It will guide you in your work and it offers manny suggestions for improvement in your work, as you read it.

I would like to stress the keeping of accurate records so that your report for 1950 will be a complete record of all of your activities. Be very careful with your money, so no criticism can come to anyone on that score. Bank if possible and have the secretary and president sign the checks.

May the Lord bless you constantly in your responsible position, that through prayer and work you might continue to build up your organization, with the co-operation of all your sisters, and be able to draw the sisters in your Branch closer together, that love and unity may abound in your midst and much good result therefrom.

It is a real joy to work with you. Please give my love to all the lovely sisters in your Branch.

Ever praying for your happiness and success and with my love, 1 remain,

Sincerely your sister,

(Mrs.) Rula. W. Choules Relief Society President.

Page 12

Page 12 is a directory.

List of RS Members

Eliza Barletter Rt. 1
Laurie Barletter, " "
Helen Beihl 208 Union St.
Myra Beihl 208 Balentine St
Alberta Cuevas Rt. 2
Irine Cuevas Rt 2 Box 363 E
Elsie Friskey 305 State St.
Bettie Joe Harsey Rt 2 Box 416
Ellen E. Ladner Rt 1 Box 589
Josephine Ladner Necaise St. Waveland Miss
Laura Ladner Rt. 1 Box 587
Verdilee Ladner Rt 2 Box 452
Katie Osborne Rt 2 Box 404
Jackie Miller Rt 1 Box 594
Lillian Sones Rt 1 Box 588
Diana Sones Rt 2 Box ---
Iona Wainwright Rt. 2
Henrietta Rutherford Rt. 2
Nora Wainwright Rt. 1 Box
Grace Thomas --
Salome Severe -- Cedar Point

Page 14

Page 14 is a collection of four membership cards.

This certifies
Ellen Ladner
is a member of
The Relief Society
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
and annual membership dues of 50 cents (or its equivalent in foreign currency)
have been paid for the 1964-65 membership year.
Hattiesburg stake or mission
Bayou La Croix ward or branch
10/1/68 date
Helen C. Biehl secretary-treasurer

This certifies
Ellen Ladner
is a member of
The Relief Society
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
and annual membership dues of 50 cents (or its equivalent in foreign currency)
have been paid for the 1964-65 membership year.
Hattiesburg stake or mission
Bayou La Croix ward or branch
Oct. 4, 1967 date
Helen C. Biehl secretary-treasurer

This certifies
Sister Ellen Ladner
is a member of
The Relief Society
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
and annual membership dues of 50 cents (or its equivalent in foreign currency)
have been paid for the 1964-65 membership year.
Gulf States stake or mission
Bayou La Croix ward or branch
10/13/64 date
Helen C. Biehl secretary-treasurer

This certifies
Mrs. Ellen E Ladner
is a member of
The Relief Society
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
and annual membership dues of 50 cents (or its equivalent in foreign currency)
have been paid for the 1964-65 membership year.
Hattiesburg Stake stake or mission
Bayou La Croix ward or branch
Oct 1965 date
Helen C. Biehl secretary-treasurer

Page 15

Page 15 has two photos of Relief Society sisters.

Page 17
Page 18
Page 19
Page 20

Pages 17 through 20 are a narrative history of the Bayou La Croix and Waveland Relief Society.

The gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was first brought to the Hancock area around 1893. The first family to be baptised by the missionaries were Georgh H. Wainwright and his two brothers, Lemule Farve and Jim Farve. They and their descendents were the only members throughout the 1930's and 40's.

Around 1920, they built a small chapel in Edwardsville, Hancock County, approximately 5 miles from Bay St. Louis, MS. There they held Sacrament and Sunday School Meetings. Most of the early members lived in the small community of Bayou la Croix, with few houses about twelve miles from Bay St. Louis. Transportation was mostly by foot or boat, and sometimes by horse and wagon.

In 1934 a missionary conference was held. LeGrand Richards, the Southern States Mission President, organized the Bayou la Croix Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The sisters rejoiced, for at last they could meet weekly on a regular basis. The meetings were held in an old schoolhouse until it was demolished. The first officers and members were:

Sister Ellen Wainwright Ladner----President----Died June 16, 1969
Sister Laura Wainwright Ladner----1st Counselor
Sister Katie Rutherford----2nd Counselof----Died July 2, 1986.
Sister Iona Sones
Sister Viola Farve------Died May 2, 1970
Sister Edwina Farve-----Died 1944
Sister Rose Nixon Wainwright-----Died 1944
Sister Madah Lixich Farve
Sister Lillian Ladner Sones

Of the first sisters of the Bayou la Croix Branch, three are still living and are still faithful members. The other three remained faithful until death......

After the schoolhouse was demolished, Relief Society was held in the homes of Sister Ellen W. Ladner and Sister Laura W. Ladner. In the early 1940's the Edwardsville building was moved piece by piece to Bayou la Croix. Construction began and progress went very slow. Relief Society raised money and kept the branch going by having fund raisers, selling hand made items, such as quilts, and rummage sales. They would travel to Gulport, MS by bus with boxes of articles. When called upon by Southern State Mission for welfare quilts and bedding and articles of clothing, there were always some on hand to send.

The Sisters were few in number, but accomplished much! Their lives were centered on family, church and Relief Society. After the end of World War II, President George Albert Smith made a plea to the sisters throughout the church for quilts to send to the Saints in Europe. Each ward and branch was assigned six quilts to make. With limited resources themselves, these stalwart sisters never hesitated. They sewed a quilt, selling for $5, to get the money needed for materal and supplies. In very few weeks, the six quilts were finished and mailed to the Southern States Mission headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.

Again they met another challenge cheerfully. In 1947, the General Board presidency was granted the opportunity to raise half of the money needed fo rthe relief society building they had waited so long for. Each Relief Society Sister was asked to donate $5.00 by October, 1948. They again responded to the call. When the cornerstones were laid in 1953, their names along with the names of other sisters, were put into it. When the building was dedicated in 1956, how proud they felt to have contributed to it.

Throughout the 1940's the membership remained the same except for the few who were there for a short period of time. In the late 1940's the chapel in Bayou la Croix was finished enough so meetings other than work meetings, could be held in it. In 1947, electricity was installed. In January, 1950, the chapel was completed except fo rthe Relief Society Room.

With better transportation available, things began to happen in the 1950's. Many of the younger that had moved away began to return. Also, missionaries were sent to the Bay St. Louis-Waveland area, which led to the conversion of more people. The newly converted sisters were vey special, with the same love of Visiting Teaching and Compassionate Service as the others. A piano player was converted at last! A piano had been purchased, but there wasn't anyone who could play. A dream of having music was finally a reality. The branch began to buzz with activities. Bazaars were held twice yearly, quilts were made and sold, dinners and ice cream socials were held often. The Relief Society purchased two air conditioners and a water pump, but they were stolen almost immediately.

In june of 1955, Bayou la Croix became part of the New Orleans Stake, which had been organized by Elder Harold B. Lee and Elder Mark E. Peterson. A Relief Society convention was held in the New Orleans Stake Center yearly. It would last all day with a luncheon at noon. In 1956, we had the privilee of meeting with Sister Velma Simonsen, 1st counselor in the General Presidency, and Sister Brackson of the General Board. In 1957, Sister Belle Spadford, General President, and 1st counselor Marriana Sharp presided over teh convention. It was truly a spiritual experience.

In 1958, the Relief Society room was started and shortly finished. In 1961, the Mississippi wards and branches of the New Orleans moved back to the mission in the Hattiesburg, MS district. The Hattiesburg Stake was formed in 1964, and Bayou la Croix became a part of it.

With NASA coming into Perlington, MS, the membership began to grow even more, mostly because of members moving into the area. In 1965, there were 21 sisters enrolled in Relief Society, with an average attendance of eight or ten sisters and sometimes eight or nine children. The sisters were finally able to purchase a stove, refrigerator, and another pump for water until the pump was stolen again. Most of the time water was carried to the chapel in bottles. Being just a few sisters, their lives revolved around one another.

Just when it seemed things were going nicely, disaster struck. On August 17, 1969, Hurricane Camille hit the Gulf Coast. When it was over, the Relief Society had lost everything. Water had destroyed everything they had: piano, stove, refrigerator, a new sewing machine, two large garbage cans filled with hand made items for the bazaar, and all of their books and pictures. Thankfully, no lives were lost. We were still able to hold meetings at the chapel after it was cleaned, but work day meetings were held at sisters homes in Bay St. Louis and Waveland.

Previously, the members had voted to move the chapel to Waveland, MS. Soon after the Bayou la Croix chapel was condemned and construction began on the new chapel, located on McLaurin and Nicholson Avenue. The first meeting was held in the new chapel on Sunday, February 3, 1974. The sisters would now meet in an air-conditioned building, which a new kitchen, stove, refrigerator, and most importantly-- running water and dressing rooms.

Relief Society was usually held on a Tuesday at 10 A.M. In 1975, a nursery was started for preschool children. In late 1979, Relief Society began having lessons on Sunday mornings before Sunday School, as some sisters couldn not attend on weekdays. Then in 1980, when the three hour block started, Relief Society had their lessons on Sunday except homemaking meeting was still held once a month, on a Tuesday at 10 A.M.

Waveland Branch was changed to Waveland Ward on November 12, 1980. In April of 1981, the five families that lived in Perlington, MS, were able to form their own Branch, and in May of the same year were able to move into a house that was loaned to them. They officially became a Branch on September 14, 1981. On January 2, 1983, the Pearlington Branch would resolve and return back to Waveland Ward. In October of 1982, Gulfport Stake was formed and Waveland ward became a part of it.

In January of 1983, the ward was informed that they could start construction on the second phase of the chapel. It was finished and in November of 1983. It was dedicated 2 Sep 1984.

Since 1934 the Relief Society has grown steadily. The sisters who have since then joined the church are very specially gifted children of our Heavenly Father. With their help Relief Society will progress even more. In the 1990's we are looking forward for our membership to grow and to be able to see the construction and the completion of the final phase of the Waveland Ward.

1934 *** Bayou la Croix Branch Relief Society organized by Legrand Richards as part of Southern States Mission
1949-1955 *** Pensacola District
1955-1961 *** New Orleans Stake
1961-1964 *** Hattiesburg District
1964-1982 *** Hattiesburg Stake
February 3, 1974 *** Moved to Waveland, MS at McLaurin & Nicholson Ave.
November 2, 1980 *** Name changed to Waveland Ward
October 1982 *** Became part of Gulfport, MS Stake
January 1983 *** Received word to start the second phase on teh chapel
November 6, 1983 *** Chapel was completed-moved
Sep 2, 1984 *** dedicated by John Scott, Stake Pres.

Page 21

Page 21 lists presidency members.


Ellen Wainwright Ladner, President
Laura Wainwright Ladner, 1st counselor
Katie Rutherford Osbourn, 2nd counselor

Virdilee Ladner, President

Ellen Wainwright Ladner, President

Lillian Ladner Sones, President

Helen Biehl, President

Hazel White, President

1977 March - 1979 March
Irene Fricke Cuevas, President

1979 March - August 1980
Kay Goul Sones, President
Josie Ladner & Vicki Homer, Educational counselors
Bobby Jo Clark, Homemaking Counselor

1980 Aug 25 - 1984 February 26
Elaine Sones Forrest, President
Jackie Bosley, Educational Counselor
Joellen Ladner Strong, Homemaking Counselor

Pearlington MS Branch
Sister Attaway, President

1984 February - 1984 October
Elaine Johnson Ladner, President
Kay Goul Sones, Educational Counselor
Rhonda Osbourn Sones, Homemaking Counselor

1984 October - 1989 February
Cathy Bosley Ginn, Presidnet
Lis Bosley Shaw, Janet Bell Hennessey, Lillian Ladner Sones, Educational Counselors
Merl Forrest & Bobby Jo Harvey Clark, Homemaking Counselors

1989 February
Irma Sones Day, President
Sue Ann Osbourn, Educational Counselor
Bobby Harvey Clark, Sharon Reynolds & Susan Foster, Homemaking Counselors
Rosemary Shubert, Yvonne Bouganim, Lora Day, Secretaries
Josie Ladner, Historian

Page 23

Page 23 is a statement by the presidency.

MARCH 17, 1992

Irma Day, President of Waveland Ward Relief Society, her Counselors, and Board Members are thankful for the cooperation and compassionate services rendered by the sisters of the Waveland Ward. We would like you to recognize that we have accomplished together:

300 meals or more taken to the sick
18 hand made quilts given to new born babies
Helped two families when their homes burned
Taken sisters to doctors and hospitals
Made 50 lap quilts and 25 gingerbread houses for patients at Hotel Reed for Christmas
Brought meals to homes of families when death occured (12)
Taken care of funerals held at the Chapel
Sacrafice Sale earning $500 for the budget
We have on hand: 7 welfare tack quilts and pillow cases

We, the Presidency, admonish you, the Sisters, to use your time wisely and prepare yourself spiritually, emotionally, physically and educationally, so you can become more self reliant, in order to meet the challenges as they come your way. Furthermore, becoming better mothers and daughters of our Heavenly Father in these trying latter days.

Relief Society Sisters of Waveland Ward are 136 in number, and is Still Growing!

Page 25

Page 25 shows two photos.

2nd picture is of 78th Birthday

Page 27

Page 27 shows a photo.

Home of Ellen Ladner, where early church meetings were held.